All about Tiki Tack Tombola

The Tombola is located on the Mystery Island.

You can draw a ticket once per day, usually winning all sorts of cheap prizes with or without additional neopoints. You can also win from it faeries and codestones, though :)

Sometimes the tombola is out of money and asks for donations. I think I remember reading somewhere on the site that donating to the tombola slightly increases both your karma and your chances of getting good random events but given that I can't find it anymore I cannot say for sure.

List of the cheap tombola prizes:
Unlabelled tin can
Tombola keyring
Tiki Tack Keyring
Bottle of Green Sand
Toy Sail Boat
Homemade Marmalade
Brown Sauce
Half Coconut Shell
Reject Star Shaped Sand
Box of Wheat Flakes
Tombola T-Shirt
Bottle of Red Sand
Volcanic Rock
Palm Fan
Tombola Pencil Sharpener
Bottle of Blue Sand
Neopian Times Issue 3
Baked Beans

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