Cybunny Paintbrush-related Wearables

The wearable items that a Cybunny may get by being painted with a paintbrush or another are:

Desert Cybunny:

Lost Desert Cybunny Bracelet
Lost Desert Cybunny Tiara and Hair

Mystery Island Cybunny:
Mystery Island Cybunny Bracelet
Mystery Island Cybunny Earring

Pirate Cybunny:
Pirate Cybunny Earring
Pirate Cybunny Headband
Pirate Cybunny Shirt

Robot Cybunny:
Robot Cybunny Body Housing
Robot Cybunny Cranium Housing
Robot Cybunny Neck Housing
Robot Cybunny Tail Housing

Royal Boy Cybunny:
Royal Boy Cybunny Cap
Royal Boy Cybunny Horn
Royal Boy Cybunny Shirt

Royal Girl Cybunny:
Royal Girl Cybunny Gown
Royal Girl Cybunny Tiara

Snow Cybunny:
Snow Cybunny Scarf

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