Acara Paintbrush-related Wearables

The wearable items that an Acara may get by being painted with a paintbrush or another are:

Baby Acara:

Baby Acara Bib

Christmas Acara:

Christmas Acara Coat
Christmas Acara Hat

Halloween Acara:

Haloween Acara Costume
Haloween Acara Hat

Mystery Island Acara:

Mystery Island Acara Earrings
Mystery Island Acara Horn Rings
Mystery Island Acara Lei

Pirate Acara:

Pirate Acara Earrings
Pirate Acara Eyepatch
Pirate Acara Horn Covering
Pirate Acara Shirt

Robot Acara:

Robot Acara Body Housing
Robot Acara Chest Housing
Robot Acara Cranium Housing

Royal Boy Acara:

Royal Boy Acara Crown
Royal Boy Acara Necklace
Royal Boy Acara Robe
Royal Boy Acara Shirt

Royal Girl Acara:

Royal Girl Acara Gown
Royal Girl Acara Hat

Snow Acara:

Snow Acara Scarf

2 comment(s) :

  1. Anonymous said...

    where can i buy them?

  2. Anonymous said...

    You cannot buy them. You can obtain them only by painting your Acara with the corresponding paintbrush :)